So about my lack of free time…

I don’t know why I torture myself sometimes. I was accepted as a writer for the Kpop website Kmusic, and I said yes to writing an insane amount of monthly articles that I can only imagine will make me lose a bunch of sleep and not have a social life. But it’s ok, cause Kpop, amirite?

But for real, this is a great opportunity for me. My blog was started as a new years resolution to help me get into the swing of daily academic writing, and while my blog has helped me find my voice, it’s not done too many things on the side of promoting hard hitting journalism. Kmusic allows me to write about what I love, in a voice that’s comfortable for me, while allowing me to practice writing news articles, not just blog posts.

I’m not going to link to every article I write on there, because that would be ridiculous and spammy and I won’t do that to you guys, but I’d like to show you the first article (more like blurb) I wrote on Hello Venus’ dance video. I also intend to link you to any opinion pieces I write or articles focused on newbies and Kpop because, well, Noobcakes.

I hope to be back here soon. Shouldn’t be long before something awesome happens in Kpop.

❤ Rebecca

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